New site launch!

on . Posted in Announcements.


Four years after we first opened the doors to the world, Sayoni is proud to present our spanking new renovated site. We didn't just renovate the apartment -  we built a mansion and moved in all the old furniture, installed a pool and a tennis court, and added a gym just for good measure. Why? All to make your visiting experience so much better.

So what's new? Here are the main highlights.

Under One Roof!

No, not just the lamest sitcom in Singapore history. All the various components of the old site is under one banner, and you can browse the forum and articles without leaving the main site, as well other check out other features, such as the Queer Women Survey and Summer Camp. You are also able to search the entire site now.


We have expanded the profile section such that you can add as much or as little information as you want. Want to find out if that smart-sounding girl on the forum is single? Check her profile!


Along with an expanded profile, you can now add certain members as friends, giving them the ability to communicate with you by Private Message. Yes, our onerous (to everyone, including us) system of granting PM privileges manually is gone! We are giving YOU the control over who is allowed to talk to you.


Events organisation has been moved out of the forum - now there is a dedicated Events section, which is easier to access and keep track of. The Events room in the forum is closed with immediate effect.


Classifieds is also its own section now. However, the classifieds room in the forum will remain open for a short while. You are encouraged to move your ads to the section before it is closed!


Want to reach our 1800+ and growing network of women? We are now open for in-page advertising. Contact us.


We now have a user guide, if you are completely clueless as how to navigate this site. However, if you are stranded on an island after a plane crash, we really can't help you.

And there is so much more. We are here to serve YOU, so if you have feedback, or feature requests, head on over to our forum, or just contact us privately.



# redbean82 2010-02-15 13:10
To: Webmasters,
Kudos to the new website! Does look a bit intimidating on 1st surf but should get the hang of it with regular visits!
# waterbaby 2010-03-19 15:08
Great job.. ! the new website looks great and is definitely an improvement...keep up the great job...
# colleenque 2010-06-18 00:01
Wow wow wow~Like the new looks of Sayoni!!! Keep it on...Support always!! ^^

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