Events Calendar
As part of our three-part CEDAW series on the rights of all women, Sayoni presents a talk on "Understanding the Harassment Act for LBTQ Persons".
Being harassed is a common occurrence faced by LBTQ persons living in Singapore. Since the enactment of the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA) in 2014, many questions have been raised on how LBTQ persons can use it. Is it effective?
Join us in our event to discuss POHA's protection against harassment.
What are the different forms of harassment?
What do you do when you are harassed or witness other LBTQ persons being harassed?
What are your concerns about retaliation?
How do we protect ourselves? And most importantly of all, what are our rights?
RSVP (to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or message us on Facebook for entry. Limited seating.
Recommended donation: $10